MeshWorks has a powerful advance meshing module will allow users to automatically create typical design solutions really quick and easily like “tetra-boolean” operations, acoustic cavity meshing, auto-rib creation etc.
Acoustic Cavity Mesher
Purpose: Given the trimmed body model, this tool will automatically create an acoustic cavity mesh comprising of a) 100% Hexa Mesh, b) Hexa/Tetra Mesh, c) 100% Tetra mesh. Seat features can be preserved.

Multi-disciplinary Optimization/ MDO

Section Change
Purpose: Given target sections and a source FE mesh, this tool will update the source mesh to fit the target sections.

Weight optimization

Tetra Add/Subtract
Purpose: This tool will create new Tetra Mesh by ‘unioning’ or ‘intersecting’ two different Tet Mesh components.
Application areas:
1. Cutting holes in a Tet Mesh component.
2. Joining different Tet Mesh components.
3. Design space model creation.


Auto Hole Filler
Purpose: Given a shell mesh with holes or holes represented by 1D elements, this tool will automatically fill the holes with compatible mesh.

Application areas:
1. Creation of approximate closure components.
2. Preparation for acoustic cavity meshing.
3. Preparation for Powertrain wrap.
4. Design Space Boundary Creation.

Durability analysis
Crash and Impact Analysis

Fuel Tank Morphing
Purpose: This tool will automatically parameterize fuel tank FE models and generate design.

CAE Services

Cae morphing
Hex Meshing
Multi Disciplinary Optimization
Concept modeling
Remeshing and reassembly
Post processing
Manufacturing simulation