MeshWorks has a powerful advance meshing module will allow users to automatically create typical design solutions really quick and easily like “tetra-boolean” operations, acoustic cavity meshing, auto-rib creation etc.
Acoustic Cavity Mesher
Purpose: Given the trimmed body model, this tool will automatically create an acoustic cavity mesh comprising of a) 100% Hexa Mesh, b) Hexa/Tetra Mesh, c) 100% Tetra mesh. Seat features can be preserved.

Section Change
Purpose: Given target sections and a source FE mesh, this tool will update the source mesh to fit the target sections.

Tetra Add/Subtract
Purpose: This tool will create new Tetra Mesh by ‘unioning’ or ‘intersecting’ two different Tet Mesh components.
Application areas:
1. Cutting holes in a Tet Mesh component.
2. Joining different Tet Mesh components.
3. Design space model creation.

Auto Hole Filler
Purpose: Given a shell mesh with holes or holes represented by 1D elements, this tool will automatically fill the holes with compatible mesh.
Application areas:
1. Creation of approximate closure components.
2. Preparation for acoustic cavity meshing.
3. Preparation for Powertrain wrap.
4. Design Space Boundary Creation.

Fuel Tank Morphing
Purpose: This tool will automatically parameterize fuel tank FE models and generate design.