Auto Component India Interviews DEP President, Radha Krishnan and Vice President, Basant Sharma about MeshWorks superior Modeling support for Tyre Industry

Auto Component India Interviews DEP President, Radha Krishnan and Vice President, Basant Sharma about MeshWorks superior Modeling support for Tyre Industry
MeshWorks is claimed to enable a technologically superior tyre modeling technique for motorcycle tyres, passeneger car tyres, and off-road tyres. Through hex meshing, a complex but standard collection of cubes, concept designs are used to analyse geographical and cartographic data. The latter is known to study the rules of the spatial arrangement of phenomena and their interrelationships, dependence, and development. According to Basant Sharma, Vice President, DEP, it is a tedious and time-consuming process to mesh or model the complexity of tyre geometry. Especially the treads. Of the opinion that the time spent to model tyre treads constituting the little grooves and ridges, crucial to braking and safe manoeuvring is directly responsible for the end quality. It also results in better simulation and comparison against the real-world scenario, he explained.
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