DEP MeshWorks, a prominent Simulation tools among engineers to drive cost optimization for new model development by OEMs

DEP MeshWorks, a prominent Simulation tools among engineers to drive cost optimization for new model development by OEMs
The automobile industry has always been at the forefront of adoption of simulation tools, and with computing power becoming much cheaper, software getting more robust, the realism, the replication and accuracy of engineering functions have also attained higher levels of acceptance. With the pandemic damaging cash flow of companies, affecting sustenance and business viability, new model development under strict cost control is the need of the hour for automotive OEMs who are battling lockdown and an economic slowdown. Detroit Engineered Products (DEP) plays a major role in designing a vehicle using it’s Mesh Works platform. DEP Mesh Works is a CAE-driven platform for rapid concept CAE and CAD model generation, parametrization of CAE models, enabling optimization, advanced meshing and CA morphing. It has resulted in an accelerated and transformed product development process, which has resulted in several creative solutions to many of their clients in various fields. DEP as a technology company, has a long history in the automotive industry has worked extensively with leading automakers in the US, Europe and India. Also, they have provided simulation solutions across the board, be it FEA study, fatigue and durability analyses, manufacturing simulation support, computational fluid dynamics, NVH analysis, and crash and safety analysis among others. They have expertise ranging from interiors and seating, engine system, chassis, suspension and steering, and full vehicle to electronics and electricals across all components.
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