Introducing ConceptWorks, a powerful automated modeling tool from DEP MeshWorks
Introducing ConceptWorks, a powerful automated modeling tool from DEP MeshWorks
Every new feature addition in MeshWorks reflects the passion and effort put forward by the team in creating smarter solutions. With the introduction of ConceptWorks, the team now ensures that the tool is simple and designed in such a way that engineers at any level can start creating concept parts after a 3-4 hour training session.
ConceptWorks, the automated modeling tool allows CAE engineers to redefine the concept modeling phase by efficiently producing concept members for design and optimization studies. It aids CAE users to bridge the gap between modeling design and analysis, helping in optimizing the model faster with minimal efforts. With ConceptWorks, drastic design transformations are made immediately at the CAE level. It gives the CAE engineers the power to quickly generate concept members for design and optimization by giving the user radical changes directly at the CAE level.
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