An Exclusive Interview with S. Chandrashekar, Head of India Engineering Services, Featured in Motoring Trends
Discover the future of electric vehicles and our pioneering engineering programs through an insightful interview with Mr. S. Chandrashekar, Head of India, Services. Gain valuable insights into how we train engineers to ensure they have the necessary resources and develop unique skills through our programs. Our focus is on grooming the next generation of engineers, regardless of their specialization in CAD, CAE, or the electrical domain.
In this interview, Mr. S. Chandrashekar not only emphasizes the exceptional services and products we offer but also highlights the importance of our CAE program. With the remarkable success of electric vehicles in the market and notable investments by companies in EV infrastructure, we are proactively aligning ourselves with this industry trend. In addition to our ongoing vehicle development projects, this strategic direction reinforces our commitment to driving innovation.
Discover how we are shaping the future of engineering, making a significant impact in the realm of electric vehicles, and propelling progress beyond expectations.
Explore the full article for a comprehensive understanding of our forward-thinking approach and groundbreaking programs.
Read more to gain valuable insights into the future of electric vehicles and our role in shaping it.