Inside DEP’s design revolution for deep tech products

Jun 14, 2021

Inside DEP’s design revolution for deep tech products

June, 2021

DEP works with companies on creating innovative solutions to real-world problems. Over the years, we’ve worked on a variety of solutions to assist clients with their problems. We had developed many interesting products like a drone that incorporated radar technology and sensors which helped to deter birds from aerial spaces that were causing damage to equipment. An in-cylinder combustion sensing technology that allows us to track vehicle emissions (CO, NO) in real time. We’ve also created an autonomous people transporter that’s already in use in a prominent global smart city. DEP also has its own proprietary CAE platform, DEP MeshWorks. Our parametric technology enables clients to cut down product design time and effort. Our customers can undertake faster CAE iterations, and optimize CAE and Aerodynamic designs. Thus, achieving desired weight and performance goals in record time.

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